Rights Provided Under The Convention On The Rights Of Persons With Disabilities (CRPD)

Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Position in India

This article on ‘Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Position in India’ was written by Vaishnavi Parate, an intern at Legal Upanishad.


India is a growing nation having its development  heavily reliant on its workforce. The Indian government has always sought to come up with fresh ideas in the form of rules that protect and prevent a huge number of individuals. There are many groups of people who require different levels of protection and rights. One such division is for persons who are disabled or incapable. Incapacity might be physical, cognitive, behavioural, or even emotional. This disability-specific subject centre mostly includes references to physical and tactile forms of incapacity, as other types are fully covered in other theme centres.

All human beings are born free and equal in terms of respect and rights. Individuals with disabilities face human rights violations, stigma, and separation all across the world. Having an incapacity implies that an individual has a significant difficulty doing things that others take for granted. This article attempts to study and understand the Rights granted to the persons with disabilities under the Indian laws.


Incapacity is a disability in cognitive, formative, mental, utilitarian, constrained, tangible, or a combination of these capacities. It significantly influences a person’s life activities and can be displayed from birth or happen all through a person’s life. Inability may be a questionable concept with diverse implications in numerous communities. It can be used to refer to physical or mental properties that a few associations, particularly medication, consider requiring alteration. It can also imply to limitations set on individuals by the limitations of a more competent society.

Individuals with incapacities have the same wellbeing needs as individuals without disabilities with respect to immunisations, cancer screening, etc. They may encounter poorer wellbeing due to destitution and social prohibition, and as a result, they may be more vulnerable to auxiliary diseases such as weight bruises or urinary tract diseases.


Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016

The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act intends to grant specific rights to individuals with disabilities and shield them from harassment and prejudice in society. Some key provisions of the act are mentioned below:

  • The purpose of Section 17 is to advance inclusive education.
  • As per section 27 of the Act, the relevant government is in charge of the rehabilitation of the disabled, with an emphasis on issues related to schooling, employment, and healthcare.
  • In all government higher education institutions and educational institutions that receive government funding, Section 32 mandates a 5% reservation.
  • According to Section 38 of the Act, if a person with a benchmark disability thinks he needs high support, he can apply to the notified authority for such assistance.

Rights to Education under the Constitution:

The Eighty-Sixth Amendment has placed another vital part of education, namely, early or pre-school instruction, under the protection of the legal system. According to the amended Article 45 of the Indian Constitution, “The State may try to provide early childhood care and instruction for all children until they reach the age of six years”.

This arrangement is especially important for disabled children. These amendments are not, in a sense, mandatory from the standpoint of a personal right, but they have broadened the area of obligations for both the State and citizens. According to the revised Art. 51A, “it shall be the obligation of every citizen of India who may be a parent or gatekeeper to provide facilities for education to his child or, as the case may be, ward between the ages of six and fourteen years.”

Rights Provided under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Rights in Society:

Article 25 of the CRPD promotes “the right of persons with disabilities to education.” Parties to the Convention shall guarantee an inclusive system of education at all levels and lifelong learning in order to exercise this right without discrimination and on the basis of equality of opportunity. Only 28% of countries have some type of constitutional guarantee of children with disabilities’ educational rights.

Right to Work:

Art. 27 of the CRPD requires States to “recognise the right to work of persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others; this includes the right to the opportunity to earn a living through work freely chosen or accepted in the labour market and a work environment that is open, inclusive, and accessible to persons with disabilities.

People with disabilities are one of the most ignored sections of our country. This is often due to the sheer lack of interest in society, which subjects such individuals to objection and aversion. Such individuals have few rights under different Indian laws as well as UN conventions that are followed in India. As per Sec. 2(i) of the People with Disabilities Act, 1995, disability” incorporates visual impairment, hearing impedance, locomotor incapacity, mental hindrance, and mental ailment.


It is true that our country follows the principle of natural justice, which states that all are equal, but there are still some areas where such people face discrimination even though they possess great knowledge and skills. For changing this type of situation, it is very important to change the mindset of the people who lower such people and don’t want to give them exposure just by judging them in immaterial terms.

Inability refers to the obstruction or limitation of action produced by the way society is structured, which takes little or no account of those with physical, tangible, or mental limitations. Incapacity is a terrible part of human life that can have an impact not only on the standard way of life but also on component quality and control. The government must provide more social security plans for disabled people and develop more job opportunities for them.


  1. Laxmi Narayan Choudhary and John Thomas, “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016: Does it address the needs of the persons with mental illness and their families”, 59 (1) Indian Journal of  Psychiatry (2017)
  2. Praveen, “Rights of Disabled Persons”, Legal Service India, available at: https://www.legalserviceindia.com/legal/article-98-rights-of-disabled-persons.html (last visited 4 August 2023).
  3. Gautam Badlani, “Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016”, iPleaders Blog, 14 August 2022, available at: https://blog.ipleaders.in/rights-of-persons-with-disabilities-act-2016/ (last visited 4 August 2023).