In this article, we are going to focus on the laws regulating foreign direct investment in India. We will also look at the effect of these investments on Indian labour. Whether these investments are allowing the Indian labourers to grow financially or they are hindering their growth? We will answer this question in this article.
This article will assist you to understand what pharmaceutical means and what the laws and regulations that regulate the pharmaceutical industries in India.
Writing an essay is an important aspect of the legal field. Whether you are preparing for the judiciary or you are thinking about academics in both scenarios this habit of writing helps you all around in developing good content, but not everyone can write a good quality essay that is up to the mark. So, here we will be discussing the important points to keep in mind while writing a legal essay and what should not be done to ignore the commonly done mistakes.
As a law student, your goal is to get many hands-on legal experiences and opportunities that will help you in building your career as a law professional. A lawyer is expected to have great oratory, writing, and research skills. Model United Nations is a medium that will provide you with self-improvement opportunities and unparalleled global exposure. So, if you are a law student who is into public speaking, looking for exposure, and wish to grow his or her skills, then this article will help you by giving an insight into Model United Nations and its significance for law students.
Mental health is vital for every human being throughout their life. Mental health also includes people with mental disabilities including the care that they need. Mental health laws deal with any person suffering from any disorder or disability of mind and who needs treatment. In India, the term PMI is used for this purpose; it means persons with mental illness/disorder. The institution of asylums for the care of PMI was introduced in 1800 after the British took over the Indian administration.
In this article we will discuss data protection, what the term GDPR means, and how and when it came into force. We also see the applicability of GDPR. This law played a vital role for consumers/citizens, we also see the fines and penalties for non-compliance. At the end of this article, we will discuss certain suggestions which can be seen in the field of data protection in near future.
Have you ever gotten annoyed by a person smoking a cigarette just near you in any public place? or What about the night when you could not sleep because your neighbor was playing loud music at her retirement party? Did you know that you can initiate a legal proceeding against that person for public nuisance?
The primary emphasis of this article is on the definition of public nuisance as established in the Code of Criminal Procedure.
The draught Indian Ports Bill 2022 proposes to repeal and replace the Indian Ports Act of 1908. “The Indian Ports Act of 1908 has been in effect for over 110 years.” The Act must be updated to reflect current frameworks, embrace India’s international commitments, handle rising environmental issues, and help in the consultative growth of the ports sector in the national interest, according to the Ministry of Ports, Shipping, and Waterways. The Ministry sent three previous draughts of the Bill to a variety of interested parties, including major ports, state governments, state maritime boards, and various central government ministries. All of the feedback submitted has been taken into consideration while creating the draught Indian Ports Bill for 2022.
Employment rights are the most frequently discussed topic in India and their protection, but we frequently overlook the rights of an employer. All Indian employers, including the largest ones, have been given certain privileges. “The question which now arises is what is the employer’s right and how can rights of an employer be protected against violation. Employment rights in India have been provided under various employment laws such as the Industrial Disputes Act, the Shops and Establishments Act, etc. In this article, we will discuss some of the rights available to employers under the legislative framework of India.
The criminal justice system has many different ideas; sometimes it is punitive, sometimes it is deterrent, sometimes it is corrective, and sometimes it is reformative. But the kind of justice is determined by the crime’s characteristics and what investigators discover about it. It is the responsibility of the police to prevent crime, fight crime, regulate crime, maintain peace, and enforce public order. This article explores the laws regulating the police in India, along with the roles and responsibilities of police in our Country.