Writing a legal article that has great quality is a skill that cannot be achieved in a small time but that skill can be developed over the years with time. When an article is published in a known blog or a website, it has certain benefits like the recognition of your knowledge and skill. It also results in the increase of your value as a brand and visibility. It also helps people when they read those articles when they need information. In particular, it helps the researchers, advocates, reporters, litigants, etc., to gain a deep understanding of that topic.
The exercise of writing a legal article is worth every time spent by a lawyer as the knowledge is sharpened, reputation strong, and skills for argumentation ready.
A judicial overreach happens when judicial activism goes too far. When the judicial branch begins to meddle with the work of the legislative or executive branches, this is called judicial activism. This undermines the separation of powers and has no place in a democratic society. The Indian Constitution places special stress on the judicial branch’s impartiality. The courts have been given expanded authority to check that the laws passed by Congress actually comply with the Constitution. The judiciary has been given the power and responsibility to interpret the Constitution because it is a transformative document.
Some say prostitution is unethical, but for some people, prostitution is the only source of income. Some say prostitution is immoral, but we still see thousands of customers for this service. This Article discusses prostitution, its history, reasons why prostitution is still prevailing, the legality of prostitution in India, and many other aspects relating to prostitution.
In India, organ donation is still a new field that hasn’t really taken off yet. It is clear from India’s low organ donation rate of 0.26 per million, which is significantly lower than the developed world’s average of 30 to 40 per million. On the other hand, there is a growing demand for organs, but there is not enough supply to satisfy this demand. This disparity has led to the commercialization of donations and the enormous growth of illegal markets. The country’s socioeconomic situation and the current legal system are to blame for the expanding commercial organ trade. This article aims to critically examine the state of organ trafficking in India and the function of the current legal system in mitigating such occurrences.
The idea of constructive notice and the doctrine of indoor management are two doctrines in company law that are out of date with one another. These are widely accepted concepts that were developed through common law decisions that gave statutory enactments a rational, fair, and equitable foundation. The former is like the caveat emptor doctrine in consumer law in that it protects businesses against contractors who are either careless or malevolent. The document advises the third-party contractor to check references and other relevant information before committing to any work.
Trademarks reassure the consumer that the business or goods wearing the trademark is of a reputable and well-known quality. Simply put, trademarks protect customers from being duped. This article will focus on the basics of trademarks, various types of trademarks, and the significance of each form of trademark. There are various sorts of Trademarks in India that once registered grant proprietors legal rights and protection.
This article delves into India’s laws protecting consumers from adulterated food products. Food adulteration in simple terms refers to the addition of a foreign substance into the edibles that make such a product for a consumer risky for his/her health. The purpose behind such an act is to have financial gains or in some exceptional cases, it might occur due to negligence on part of the manufacturer. Manufacturers of food products need to follow and meet certain standards set by law in order to sell their products, non-compliance of which would lead to penalties and punishment as applicable under the respective statutory provisions.
This article will cover the Distinctiveness of a trademark, its many degrees, and how having appropriate information may assist you in successfully registering your proposed trademark.
Using someone’s creation without their permission is wrong in so many ways not just morally but when seen through the lenses of law it can land you into soup. This is exactly when a song from a famous movie was used in a promotional video without seeking appropriate permission. The cost of this stint led to the Congress Twitter account ban and its Campaign named “Bharat Jodo Yatra”. The following article elaborates on what led to the passing of the order, the facts of the case, and the laws infringed.
The advent and advancement of technology have made it such that reliance on the internet has become an integral part of our lives. The high usage of search engines has made it much easier and more efficient for consumers to connect with businesses or look for the right products. Businesses have taken their advertising online as well in a bid to attract customers at the right time. Keyword search and advertising have been the major propelling factors in this segment, leading the consumers to their websites on having typed certain keywords in the search bar. However, this risks the usage and infringement of a trademark when competitors in the market use the trademark as a ‘keyword’, thus creating an unfair advantage over the trademark holders. This area of concern has been brought up before the Courts several times and notably, in the Delhi High Court case of DRS Logistics Pvt ltd & Ors. Vs Google India Pvt ltd & Ors., which has been discussed at length in the following article.