December 2022

The doctrine of Fraudulent Transfer under the Transfer of Property Act, 1882

The Doctrine of Fraudulent Transfer under the ToPA, 1882

The idea of the Exchange of Property Act, 1882’s sec. 53, talks about the Teaching of False Exchange. It expresses that each exchange of property, which is steadfast under the appropriate segment of the Exchange of Property Act, 1882, which is finished fully intent on deferring or overcoming the lenders [or individuals to whom the transferor owes some sort of risk that is monetary in nature] of the postponed or crushed banks, who will be the bothered party, Ruler Guardian on account of Partridge v Gopp, have the decision to consider the exchange void or not. This implies that even while the exchange is real according to the point of view of the law, the choice to keep away from it or not depends on the bank. The official objective in such a game plan is to give the party that has endured or whose interest has been affected by a decision. This article attempts to analyse the doctrine of fraudulent transfer under the TOPA, 1882.

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Legal framework for Energy Transition

Legal framework for Energy Transition: All You Need to Know

India’s energy change has quite recently arrived at a defining moment. A record 15.5 GW of sustainable power limit was included in financial year (FY)2021/22 following a difficult three years set apart by regulative barricades, strategy darkness, and the Coronavirus pestilence that eased back development in the limit of renewables. Then again, in FY2021/22 coal power limit extensions arrived at an unsurpassed low. The complete coal limit came to 211GW after only 1.4GW of net new coal limit was added during the year. A consolidated 4.4GW of gross new coal limit and 1.5GW of end-of-life coal limit was placed into administration. This article attempts to analyse the concept of energy transition and laws regulating it in India.

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Uniform Civil Code

Uniform Civil Code: Background and Recent Developments

State officials intend to implement a uniform civil code, according to Uttar Pradesh’s deputy chief minister Keshav Prasad Maurya. Madhya Pradesh has also made the decision to establish a commission to investigate how the Uniform Civil Code is being applied (UCC). In November, we learned that Basavaraj Bommai, the chief minister of Karnataka, had stated that he was gathering information about events in many states and what the Constitution says in accordance with the “Uniform Civil Code” (UCC). As a result, in line with what I said before, the article’s main focus is on the Uniform Civil Code and how it has evolved through time.

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An Annulment of Marriage under Hindu Law

Annulment of Marriage under Hindu Law: Discussion in Brief

Marriage is inescapably the cornerstone of the social structure as well as the source of significant legal rights and duties. Marriage is considered a Samskara, or sacrament, in Hindu law. Hindu marriage unites two people for life so they can work toward dharma (obligation), artha (possessions), kama (physical wants), and moksa (ultimate spiritual release) together. Two families are also united by it. Usually, red and gold are the predominant colors. A promise to remain together and support traditional family values by Dharma. There is no place for the government in the original Hindu marriage system because it was always a personal matter between two people. But divorce is a complicated issue, and annulment is an extremely unusual solution. An annulment is typically more a product of religion today than of the law. Rarely are annulments given, and when they are, there must be very particular conditions.

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Premature Release of Prisoners in India

Premature Release of Prisoners in India: Discussion in Brief

Deemed as the “manifestation of the prerogative power”, the acts of pardoning, remission, reprieve, and the like vest with the State and Central Government, subject to conditions prescribed by the law and by the courts of law. Any noticeable divergence from the said preconditions can be assailed on certain grounds as laid down by the Apex Court. These powers are discretionary and reflective of the performance of the official duty of the President and the Governors. Remission is essentially carried out to mitigate the punishment for a crime. In light of this, the present article aims to provide an overview of the policy concerning the premature release of prisoners in India.

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Foreign Direct Investment in India

Foreign Direct Investment in India – A Brief Overview

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is one of the best international investments for a country’s economic growth. Foreign Direct Investment help to hold long-term relations with the host countries. Through Foreign Direct Investment one can establish a business in another country and acquire ownership or control of such business. This article elaborates on Foreign Direct Investment, its features, legislation governing FDI in India, how FDI flows in India, the advantages of FDI, problems India is facing because of FDI, and other related information on Foreign Direct Investment.

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Marital Rape in India

Discussing: The Criminalisation of Marital Rape in India

Rape is one of the worst crimes that can ruin a victim’s entire life. Many rape incidents like this go unreported because of the mindset of society, which still criticises women for wearing short dresses, but the true culprit was an evil mind, not the victim’s attire. If you’re wondering why there are rape cases every year, the reason is that there aren’t severe rules to deter people with wicked intentions. Here, this article addresses the topic of marital rape and its criminalization.

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Legality Of Incest In India

The Legality of Incest in India – All You Need to Know

When the abuser is a family member, father, brother, Aunty, etc where can a victim go for help? Especially when the victim is still a minor! Many cases of incest go unreported, but the suffering of victims lasts for a long term. This article covers laws regulating incest, the Validity of incest marriages, the status of children born from incest marriages, Why India should have a special Act to regulate incest acts, and many other issues relating to incest.

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Bigamy Laws in India

Bigamy Laws in India: All You Need to Know

The Second Marriage, while the first marriage is in subsistence, is called Bigamy. In simple terms, Bigamy refers to the marriage of a second person while the first marriage is still in subsistence. The offence is committed when the first husband/wife is still in existence and is married to the wife/husband respectively. If the husband or the wife is alive, then the second marriage which is entered into by the parties is not legally valid and is thus void in the eyes of the law. India is a vast country with a variety of cultural diversity, has an assorted mix of religions, castes, and beliefs of people, and hence the Constitution has been enacted in such a way that protection is granted to each Citizen. Thus, there exist some personal laws that govern the religions of different people.

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