December 2022

Contributory Negligence

Contributory Negligence: All You Need to Know

According to a common law tort rule known as “contributory negligence,” if the plaintiff was negligent in causing the damage, they cannot recover damages for the negligence of others. Contributory negligence has mostly been replaced by the idea of comparative negligence. A plaintiff who is even somewhat negligent in a country that upholds contributory negligence will not be entitled to compensation, even if they can prove the aforementioned conditions.
This article talks about the meaning of contributory negligence and discusses how it could impact a personal injury lawsuit, Case laws, and guidelines given by the Supreme Court.

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Negligence Under Contract

Negligence Under Contract: All You Need to Know

Negligence is civil wrong as well as criminal wrong. How will we determine whether the act was done negligently? Which acts are considered civil negligence and which acts falls under the category of criminal negligence? Are the Breach of contract and Negligent acts similar? What are the consequences if there is negligence in the contract? The answer to all these questions is covered in this article. The Article emphasizes negligence under contract.

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The Banker's Book Evidence Act 1891

The Bankers’ Books Evidence Act 1891: A brief overview

The Bankers’ Books Evidence Act, of 1891, a piece of legislation from the British colonial era in India, is still in effect and hasn’t altered much through the years. In banking institutions, records have been kept since the beginning. Such establishments must follow the record-keeping procedure. The ledger books, account books, etc. that serve as the primary storage for these documents are known as bankers’ books. The legislature adopted the Banker Books, Evidence Bill on October 1st, 1891. This Act’s primary goal was to implement in India the prerequisites of the 1879 English Bankers’ Books Evidence Act. The Information Technology Act of 2000 revised this statute to contemplate the usage of computer systems in banking organizations to retain records rather than paper. This article talks about the meaning, the importance of the banker’s book evidence act 1891, its amendments, and recent judgments.

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Types of Legal Research

Types of Legal Research: All You Should Know

Regardless of their areas of practice, individual attorneys (advocates) and law firms need to conduct legal research. It aids in the crucial case search in the event of a question or uncertainty pertaining to any case. Finding the preeminent case governing the key issues in question is the most fundamental and first step in conducting legal research in the legal sector. In this article, an attempt has been made to study the concept, objectives, and various types of legal research that a law student needs to apply during his/her law school.

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Laws against Cyberbullying in India

Laws against Cyberbullying in India: All You Need to Know

It’s crucial to understand what cyberbullying is and how it occurs. To regularly harass or bully another person, one or more people or groups engage in cyberbullying. People who are bullied online frequently can’t defend themselves. This includes publishing someone’s private information or images online, sending lewd or lewd messages, stalking, hacking into someone’s account, and numerous other forms of cyberbullying. Numerous platforms, such as social media (such as Instagram, Facebook, etc.), text messages, emails, and other forms of instant messaging, can be used for cyberbullying (WhatsApp, messenger, etc.). This article evaluates the legal framework regulating cyberbullying in India.

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Misappropriation of Funds under IPC

Understanding: The Misappropriation of Funds under IPC

Misappropriation occurs when someone who has been trusted with another person’s money, property, or assets misuses them for their personal gain. Misappropriation is the wrongful utilization of another’s property for one’s own benefit without the owner’s consent. Any time an individual who does not own the company’s assets uses them for personal gain, this is considered theft. This article attempts to analyse the concept and meaning of the term “misappropriation of funds”. It aims to study and highlight the provisions governing the misappropriation of funds under Indian Laws.

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Laws against Racism in India

Laws against Racism in India: All You Need to Know

It would be incorrect to claim that racism doesn’t exist in India in the twenty-first century. Let’s use the example of a girl whose marriage is about to be fixed. If the girl has a dark complexion, she will likely encounter a lot of rejection. Our ancestors did not even support inter-caste marriage. I’m going to concentrate on the specifics of racism in this article, including its history and the laws that forbid it.

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Berne Convention for Protection of Literary and Artistic Works

Berne Convention: Protection of Literary and Artistic Works

Globally, content is being produced in the hundreds of millions, and regardless of where they live, all artists should be able to proudly display their work. The progressive Berne Convention recognises the necessity to protect one’s unique work internationally and promotes exhibiting the works without reservation. This article attempts to analyse the concept and provisions of the Berne Convention of 1886.

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Administrative Law in India

Administrative Law in India: All you need to know

To keep up with the growing needs of society, the ambit of law keeps on expanding and results in the emergence of several branches of law. Administrative law is one such offshoot, extending the realm of public law. Having derived heavily from administrative law concepts in the US and the UK, the same has been observed to take up an ad hoc characteristic in India. This article provides an overview of what entails administrative law, its convergence with constitutional law, and its application thereof. The scope of this article is limited to the application of administrative law in India.

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Rules of Interpretation of Statutes: Literal, Mischief, Golden Rule

Interpretation of Statutes Rules: Literal, Mischief, Golden

The interpretation of presently enacted ordinances or laws is one of the judiciary’s most important or fundamental duties. The bounds set by the lawful frameworks—which comprise precise laws, rules, the Constitution, and authorized legislations—are scrupulously adhered to by the courts when they administer justice in a legal conflict. An array of statutes and rules make up the legal system in a democratic nation like India. The Legislature develops and drafts precise written ordinances and laws in accordance with parliamentary procedure. The underlying principles of these laws have been interpreted by the courts to provide justice in a legal case.

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