Education loans are typically provided to students pursuing higher education, such as undergraduate, postgraduate, or professional courses in India and abroad. These loans aim to bridge the financial gap between the cost of education and the resources available to the student and their family. This article attempts to analyse the concept of education loans along with the rules and guidelines governing it in India.
Get the facts and laws behind Delhi Minister Satyendar Jain’s interim bail on medical grounds. Our latest article provides a comprehensive analysis of this complex legal case.
Healthcare Laws in India: Balancing access and quality is a delicate matter. Learn about the laws that govern this balance. Understanding Healthcare Laws in India: From rights to regulations, this guide covers it all.
Section 13 of the Copyright Act, 1947 defines Copyright as an exclusive right given to the creators in order to protect their original creations. Learn how the Copyright Act safeguards your original works and the rights you have as an owner.
Learn about India’s legal framework tackling unfair trade practices. Discover how regulations protect consumers and promote fair competition in the market.
Moot court is the mock version of what a real-life courtroom looks like. One learns how to draft various petitions, arguments, memos, court memorials, etc. In this article, we will discuss, what is the proper format of a good moot court memorial, and how to make it in an easy step-by-step guide.
The adult film industry, sometimes known as the “porn industry,” has a significant number of viewers all over the world, and with the internet and social media platforms, it only takes a few seconds to get hooked on a porn video. This article analyses the human rights violations committed in the adult film industry.
Discover the fundamental principles of liability under tort law and delve into the intricate world of legal responsibilities, remedies, and justice. Gain insights into the complexities of tort liability and its impact on personal injury, property damage, and more.
In India, the Companies Act, 2013 provides for class action suits in case of fraud, mismanagement, or oppression by the company’s management. Members of a company, Investors, or any other person can file an application before the National Company Law Tribunal seeking relief through a class action suit. This article tries to analyse the concept of Class action suits along with the laws governing it in India. The author also sheds light on the landmark cases related to class action suits in India.
Explore the fascinating journey of surrogacy in India, its historical roots, and the various types that have shaped this complex phenomenon. Gain insights into the diverse landscape of surrogacy practices in India.