May 2023

Delhi Government Services Control

Delhi Government ‘Services’ Control: Supreme Court’s Landmark Ruling

The Supreme Court’s decision to transfer Delhi Government Services Control is significant as it clarifies the distribution of powers between the two entities and allows the Delhi Government to exercise greater autonomy in managing its affairs. This ruling is expected to substantially impact the governance and administration of the NCT of Delhi. This article will talk about the facts, issues and the decision of the Supreme Court related to the transfer of Delhi Government Services Control.

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Vishakha and Others v State of Rajasthan

Vishakha and Others v State of Rajasthan: A Legal Analysis

This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the Vishakha case, including its background, key arguments presented by the parties involved, and the decision of the Supreme Court. It will also delve into the implications of the case, criticisms and controversies surrounding the Vishakha guidelines, and the way forward for women’s safety in the workplace.

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