This article on ‘MEDIA TRIALS IN INDIA‘ is written by Shubham Agarwal, a 5th year student from Sharda University and an intern at Legal Upanishad. INTRODUCTION This article talks about the Media trials in India. The functioning of the media trials in India and all you need to know about the Media Trials in India. For the […]
This article on ‘Development of Corporate Criminal Liability via Common Law’ was published by Legal Upanishad. INTRODUCTION The nexus of this article is the historical emergence of corporate criminal liability into a well-settled legal principle. It will cover the origin of corporate criminal liability, principles of the same, and rulings of Indian courts for the
This article on ‘Emergency provisions in India and its misuse’ is written by an intern at Legal Upanishad. Introduction: This article talks about the Emergency Provisions in India and their misuse. An emergency can be described as an unexpected situation which is a threat to the citizens. As India is a Federal Union and possesses
This article on ‘HUMAN RIGHTS LAW: An International Perspective‘ is written by Jayansh, a 2nd year student from Manipal University, Jaipur and an intern at Legal Upanishad. INTRODUCTION: We all come from different cities, states, and countries and we all have different cultures, the environment around us, but there is a common ground among all of us
This article on ‘Sports Arbitration in India: Evolution and All You Need to Know’ was published by Legal Upanishad. Introduction This article talks about the evolution of Sports Arbitration in India. The history of sports/games is as old as the beginning of civilization, so a simple online search reveals that history can be traced back
This article on ‘EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT NIKE’S TRADEMARK POLICIES‘ is written by Priyal, a 4th-year student from ICFAI University, Dehradun and an intern at Legal Upanishad. INTRODUCTION The article is about the Nike trademark policies. The article will be highlighting Nike’s trademark Policies, affiliated brands, Nike’s trade secrets and its policy regarding permission
This article on ‘IP in fashion Industry’ is written by an intern at Legal Upanishad. Introduction: This article talks about IP in fashion industry and how it can help you in developing your fashion brand. Art is a way of expressing oneself in that case, fashion is also a form of art. The presence of
This Article on ‘Ombudsman’ is written by Aditi Amarawat. A 2nd year student from Jai Narayan Vyas University and an intern at Legal Upanishad. INTRODUCTION The word “ombudsman” refers to an individual appointed by an organization to settle complaints regarding that organization. The word owes its genesis to Sweden, where an ombudsman refers to a government representative who
This Article on ‘Online Dispute Resolution’ is written by Maurine. A 1st-year student from Fairfield Institute of Management and technology, and an intern at Legal Upanishad. INTRODUCTION Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) has become an important aspect of the legal system over the years since it allows for quick resolutions and frequently results in outcomes that are beneficial to
This Article on ‘Trial Under CrPC is written by Subham Banerjee. A 3rd year student from Kingston Law College, and an intern at Legal Upanishad. Introduction: A society is comprised of human beings and where there are human beings, the presence of human vices are inevitable because human beings have both good and bad sides. Criminal laws are