Chief Minister In India

Chief Minister In India: Role, Power, And Functions

This article on ‘Chief Minister In India: Role, Power, And Functions’ was written by Farhat Sultana, an intern at Legal Upanishad.


The Chief Minister is a crucial political position in the Indian government system. In the federal structure of India, each state has its own Chief Minister who is responsible for the administration and governance of the respective state. The Chief Minister is the head of the elected government in the state and holds significant power and responsibilities.

This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the role, power, and functions of the Chief Minister in India. By exploring the various aspects of their position, we aim to shed light on their significance in the political landscape and their impact on governance and policymaking.


Let’s define the Chief Minister before getting into the details. The Chief Minister is in charge of the state’s elected government. They serve as a link between the state government and the Union government and are in charge of the overall management of the state. The Governor of the state, who serves as the constitutional head and represents the President of India at the state level, appoints the Chief Minister.


The Indian Constitution specifies the steps involved in choosing the Chief Minister. Following a general election, the chief minister is chosen by the governor, who serves as head of state, from among the leaders of the political parties or coalitions that hold the majority of seats in the lower house of Parliament. The Chief Minister is then provided with the task of forming the cabinet and choosing additional ministers to help lead the state.

Factors Influencing the Tenure of the Chief Minister in India as per the Constitution:

According to the Constitution, a number of factors primarily affect the chief minister’s term in India. As long as the majority of Lok Sabha members have confidence in the Chief Minister, they are in office. In the event that the Chief Minister is unable to maintain a majority, they may be obliged to resign or dissolve the Lok Sabha, which would trigger new elections.


Constitutional Framework for Chief Ministers in India:

The federal structure and legislative form of government in India essentially establish the constitutional basis for the Chief Minister. The Governor, who represents the President, appoints the Chief Minister, who is the leader of the state government. The political party or coalition with a majority in the state legislative assembly is led by the chief minister.

Relevant Articles in the Indian Constitution:

The Indian Constitution has several articles that are pertinent to the Chief Minister. The council of ministers along with the Chief Minister as their head is authorised under Article 163 to assist and counsel the governor in carrying out his duties. The requirements for the selection of a Chief Minister and the formation of the council of ministers are outlined in Article 164.

According to Article 164(1), the Governor must appoint the Chief Minister, and the Governor must appoint additional ministers on the recommendation of the Chief Minister. According to Article 164(2), the Council of Ministers shall be jointly accountable to the State’s Legislative Assembly.


The Chief Minister, as the head of the state government, enjoys several powers and functions as per the Indian Constitution. Some of these powers and functions include:

  1. Executive powers: The Chief Minister is the head of the executive branch of the state government. They exercise executive powers and have the responsibility to implement laws and policies effectively. The Chief Minister appoints and supervises various government officials and coordinates the activities of different departments to ensure smooth governance.
  2. Legislative role: The Chief Minister plays a crucial role in the legislative process. They are the leader of the ruling party or coalition in the state legislature. As such, they have the power to initiate legislation, introduce bills, and represent the government’s policies and agenda in the legislative assembly. The Chief Minister also guides and influences the decision-making process in the assembly.
  3. Administrative authority: As the head of the state government, the Chief Minister holds significant administrative authority. They have the power to make appointments, transfers, and promotions of state government officials. The Chief Minister also exercises control over the administration and ensures that policies and programs are implemented effectively.
  4. Financial powers: The Chief Minister plays a crucial role in the financial matters of the state. They have the power to prepare the state budget, allocate funds to different departments, and determine the priorities for expenditure. The Chief Minister also represents the state government in financial matters with the central government and other financial institutions.
  5. Judicial role: Although the Chief Minister is primarily an executive and legislative authority, they may also have certain judicial functions. In some cases, the Chief Minister may have the power to grant pardons, commute sentences, or recommend mercy petitions. However, the extent of these powers may vary depending on the constitutional provisions and laws of the particular state.
  6. Representational duties: The Chief Minister represents the state government in various forums and acts as a spokesperson for the state. They may represent the state’s interests in meetings with the central government, other state governments, and international delegations. The Chief Minister also plays a crucial role in maintaining inter-state relations and fostering cooperation among different states.


T. R. Zeliang v. Union of India (2017)

In this case, the Indian Supreme Court looked at a Chief Minister’s position and authority in light of a political crisis. The court ruled that the Governor should follow enshrined constitutional conventions and principles when using his or her discretion. The significance of democratic principles and the Chief Minister’s position as leader of the elected government were emphasised.

S. R. Bommai v. Union of India (1994)

The precedent-setting decision, in this case, clarified the duties and responsibilities of a Chief Minister in the event that a political party loses its majority in the state legislature. The Chief Minister’s position as the head of the Ruling party or coalition was emphasised by the Supreme Court, which also established norms to prevent the arbitrary dismissal of state governments. It specified that only a vote of no confidence or evidence that the government had lost the support of the majority may result in the removal of the Chief Minister.

K. Karunakaran v. State of Kerala (1999)

In this case, the Supreme Court considered the Governor’s discretionary powers to name a Chief Minister in the absence of a clear majority held by any party or coalition. The governor should exercise his discretion in a way that promotes democratic ideals and ensures the stability of the government, according to the court’s ruling. It emphasised that, while considering political realities and constitutional restrictions, the Chief Minister should be chosen based on the support of the legislative assembly’s majority of members. The case established the significance of the Governor’s involvement in the appointment of the Chief Minister while simultaneously defending democratic ideals and legal requirements.

Limitations and Challenges

  • Chief Ministers in many countries face various limitations and challenges affecting their powers and ability to govern effectively. One such limitation is constitutional constraints on their powers. In some cases, the constitution may prescribe specific areas where the Chief Minister’s authority is limited, such as finance, administration, or law enforcement. These limitations ensure a system of checks and balances, preventing any individual from accumulating excessive power.
  • Furthermore, Chief Ministers often face political constraints and challenges. They may encounter opposition from within their own party or from rival parties, making it difficult to implement their policies or carry out their agenda. The need to maintain coalition governments or negotiate with multiple parties adds another layer of complexity.
  • Another significant challenge is the balance of power between the Chief Minister, the Governor, and the Central Government. The Governor, appointed by the Central Government, represents the center’s interests and can influence the Chief Minister’s decisions. Conflicts may arise when there is a difference in political ideologies or when the Chief Minister feels their authority is being undermined.
  • Navigating these limitations and challenges requires skillful leadership, effective communication, and strategic decision-making. Chief Ministers must find ways to work within the constitutional framework, build alliances, and manage their relationship with the Governor and the Central Government to effectively govern their states or regions.


In conclusion, the role of a Chief Minister in India encompasses significant power and functions that are crucial for effective governance at the state level. As the head of the state government, the Chief Minister plays a pivotal role in policy formulation, administration, and decision-making. They are responsible for maintaining law and order, implementing development programs, and representing their state in various forums. The Chief Minister’s position holds immense responsibility in ensuring the welfare and progress of the state, making it a vital position in India’s political landscape.
