Comparative advertising Trademark Infringement

Comparative advertising: Trademark Infringement

This article on ‘Comparative advertising: Trademark Infringement‘ was written by Deeksha Kushwaha, an intern at Legal Upanishad.


Promoting is an extremely strong instrument for connecting with the overall population. It is one of the ongoing strategies for corporate development. A regular system for advancing one’s own products and brands is a correlation. An item or administration is contrasted with one more in relative promoting, either straightforwardly or in a roundabout way. These promotions stick in clients’ viewpoints for a more drawn-out timeframe because of the resourcefulness that goes into their visual portrayal.

Like the model above, similar publicizing is another showcasing system where the sponsors, with an end goal to increment deals, make misrepresented claims about how much preferable their item is over that of a contending brand. This is generally finished to feature the qualifications between brands utilized by rival organizations that work simultaneously available.

In any case, unlawful use and show of another brand could sometimes bring about lawful activities for brand name encroachment. Here, we’ll cover a few frequently posed inquiries about examination publicizing, similar to the standards and regulations for such advancements. Do they abuse the analyzed’s brand name in any capacity? What is the exemption for brand name encroachment? Is it moral to use or advance one more brand to advance your own?

What is Comparative advertising?

Comparative advertising is a major part of promotions. Promoters overstate the advantages of their items. Whether the exaggerated assertions made by the promoting are genuinely obvious or not is easy to refute. Nonetheless, this is used by advertisers to target individuals and bring in cash. Clients periodically tend to buy things in light of such expanded notices.

To stand out for clients, be that as it may, a few notices go past simple puffery and laud the ethics of their item by attracting correlations with practically identical contributions from rival brands. Sponsors who utilize relative promoting go past basically misrepresenting their cases. They utilize their rival’s brand name, which is enlisted by the proprietor of that item, to show the labour and products related to that brand. They show how their item is “magnificent,” “best,” or “comparable to” those of their rivals there, either implicitly or straightforwardly.

What does “trademark infringement” mean?

A brand name is a particular name, logo, image, plan, or any mix of these that fills in as the organization’s method for distinguishing proof. Fundamentally, a brand name effectively separates one item or administration from another. In this manner, brand names let shoppers perceive items and their source.

The organization’s image under its brand name decides its standing. As well as having the sole right to involve his imprint regarding items or administrations, a brand name proprietor likewise has the option to forestall encroachment of his imprint by outsiders. The expression “brand name encroachment” alludes to the infringement of these restrictive freedoms connecting with the items and administrations allowed to the brand name proprietor under the Brand name Act 1999.

On the off chance that somebody utilizes your image name for their own benefit without your assent, they might be dependent upon legitimate repercussions under a Brand name Demonstration of 1999 encroachment claim. Fundamentally, encroachment is the utilization of an enrolled mark without approval. There are two parts to encroachment. The main part is the utilization without authorization, and the subsequent part is the utilization of imprints to advantage exploitative ways of behaving unreasonably. Just when a brand name is truly shown or unmistakably demonstrated in a near commercial does a brand name issue emerge.

The Brand name Demonstration of 1999 has arrangements in Segments 29 and 30 to shield a brand name from encroachment. Investigate these arrangements.

Comparative advertising Trademark Infringement
Comparative advertising: Trademark Infringement

Legislative measures for trademark infringement and comparative advertising

The Brand names Demonstration of 1999’s Segment 29(8) characterizes brand name encroachment in publicizing. Visit this page. This arrangement expresses that utilizing a contender’s brand name to look at items and disparagingly depicting them in the process comprises both brand name encroachment and similar publicizing infringement.

The Brand name Demonstration of 1999’s Segment 29 records occasions of brand name encroachment. Nonetheless, the Brand name Demonstration of 1999 gives a special case under Segment 30(1). Visit here. This proviso expresses that using one more dealer’s brand name in a manner that is predictable with moral norms, doesn’t unjustifiably incline toward the looked-at brand, and doesn’t hurt the imprint’s standing or peculiarity isn’t viewed as brand name encroachment.

Therefore, insulting the reputation of that mark, which is harmful due to its unique character, will amount to an unfair trade practice and can result in legal proceedings for trademark infringement if the advertiser uses a competitor’s product by showing its mark on their product in the advertisement.

Notwithstanding, assuming the advertiser is basically supporting his case about his own item or administration without censuring the contender’s item or administration that is portrayed in the business, this will add up to a legitimate practice and is completely lawful. In any case, under the appropriate brand name regulation, there is no meaning of what is a fair practice or an out-of-line business movement. Like the US, India has no regulations that address relative promoting or brand name encroachment welcomed by similar publicizing.

Nonetheless, in brand name encroachment cases, our court has habitually concluded from the previously mentioned segments 29 and 30 of the Brand name Act, 1999, that when the utilization of a contender’s brand name in the promotion reasonably prompts disarray in the personalities of purchasers in regards to the quality or utility of the item or administrations of that imprint, such use will comprise an encroachment under the Brand name Act 1999, and subsequently, a directive has been conceded on such commercials. Therefore, each case of brand name encroachment achieved by cutthroat promoting should be assessed by its own exceptional realities and conditions.

Comparative advertising concept of unethical and ethical behaviour

Unfair Trade Practice

Despite the fact that correlation publicizing isn’t explicitly tended to by any resolutions, it is obliged by the possibility of out-of-line business rehearses. Unreasonable exchange rehearses allude to tricky publicizing that presents off-base data and derides the items, administrations, or businesses of different organizations involving the brand name to get an unjustifiable benefit. For example, assuming that somebody utilizes uncalled-for ways of belittling the brand of the opposition to convince clients to purchase their item rather than the one of the opposition, this would comprise out-of-line business rehearses.

Prior, Segment 36A of the Syndications and Prohibitive Exchange Practices Demonstration of 1969 (the “MRTP Act”) covered unjustifiable exchange rehearses. The Opposition Act, of 2002 later renounced the MRTP Act. In any case, there is no specific reference to unreasonable exchanging rehearses this resolution. After the 2019 Shopper Security Act has tended to this unjustifiable business practice (Customer Assurance Act 1986 preceding alteration).

Honest Comparative Advertising Practice

Whether a specific business is honest is an inquiry that could go either way. Subsequently, it should be chosen according to the client’s point of view. The meaning of a legitimate business movement is one that isn’t underhanded and doesn’t give the buyer any motivation to end up being confounded. There is definitely no restraint condition. Nonetheless, there are three different ways the Brand name Demonstration of 1999 approves cutthroat ads:

  • On the off chance that a brand name is utilized genuinely,
  • Assuming the business is in accordance with moral principles and doesn’t unjustifiably profit from the brand’s standing.

In this way, in any event, when the sponsor’s case in regards to its item is bogus, no move can be made against the promoter on the off chance that there are no vilifying references in the ad. Such legitimate utilization of one more party’s imprint for business gain, without straightforwardly or by implication impeding that party’s standing, will fall under the domain of moral way of behaving. Publicizing fills needs other than advancing a business. It illuminates purchasers about the merchandise, as a matter of fact. Bogus data that misdirects purchasers with respect to the nature of the merchandise is subsequently precluded by regulation.


Using your rivals’ brand names to advance your labour and products isn’t destructive. Be that as it may, doing so shouldn’t go past what is allowed by regulation by disparaging the labour and products of your opponent. You reserve the privilege to advance your image in any case you pick without belittling different brands or taking advantage of them in any capacity. Regardless of whether your broad assumptions are authentically mistaken, you are still completely justified to promote your products in India.


To decide the genuine motivation behind the business, looking at its style and content is vital. Moreover, promoters should ensure that no plan or brand they use in their commercials abuses the standards for legitimate similar publicizing. The main thought while pursuing such choices is the promotion’s general effect as seen according to the purchaser’s point of view.

The Brand name Act’s encroachment arrangements, be that as it may, are not comprehensive. The guidelines managing cases of brand name encroachment in different conditions are very confounding. Thus, these issues should be dealt with explicitly as per the current realities and conditions of each example.


  • Parth Gokhale And Shriyani Datta, Comparative Advertising In India: Evolving A Regulatory Framework,4 NUJS L.Rev. 131 (2011).