Hindu Widows' Remarriage Act, 1856

Hindu Widows’ Remarriage Act, 1856: All You Need To Know

This article on ‘Hindu Widows’ Remarriage Act, 1856: All You Need To Know‘ was written by an intern at Legal Upanishad.


The Hindu Widows’ Remarriage Act of 1856 marks a significant milestone in colonial India’s social reform history. Prior to the enactment of this law, Hindu widows were subjected to a host of social restrictions and faced immense societal stigma.

The Hindu Widows’ Remarriage Act, 1856 challenged these prevailing norms and empowered widows by legalizing their right to remarry. By recognizing their property rights and aiming to eliminate discrimination, the Act sought to bring about a transformation in societal attitudes towards widowhood. While it had limitations and faced resistance, the Act laid the foundation for subsequent legal reforms and social movements advocating for women’s rights in India. This article provides a glimpse into the key provisions and impact of the Hindu Widows’ Remarriage Act of 1856.


In traditional Hindu society, widows were considered socially and spiritually impure. Widows frequently experienced a variety of discriminatory behaviours, such as limitations on what they might wear, eat, move around in, and participate in social activities. Remarriage for widows was generally forbidden and considered taboo.

The orthodox Brahminical interpretation of Hinduism played a significant role in reinforcing the subordinate position of widows in society. The situation of widows was worsened by prevalent practices such as child marriage and polygamy. Child widows, who were married off at a young age and lost their husbands while still in childhood, faced particularly severe hardships.

During the early 19th century, social reform movements emerged in India, seeking to challenge and change regressive social customs. Prominent social reformers such as Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, and others played crucial roles in advocating for the rights of widows and addressing their plight.

The Hindu Widows’ Remarriage Act was enacted on 26 July 1856, drafted by Lord Dalhousie and passed by Lord Canning before the Indian Rebellion of 1857. It represented a significant departure from traditional Hindu customs and aimed to bring about a social transformation by legalizing widow remarriage and granting widows certain property rights.


The Hindu Widows’ Remarriage Act was a landmark legislation that challenged societal norms and conventions. Its impact was twofold:

  • Widows Empowerment: The Act was crucial in empowering Hindu widows by granting them the right to remarry. It allowed them to escape the social isolation and economic hardships often accompanying widowhood.
  • Social Transformation: The Act significantly shifted societal attitudes towards widowhood. It challenged the traditional beliefs that deemed widow remarriage as immoral or unacceptable. It set the stage for broader social reforms in India.
  • Challenging Social Stigma: The Act challenged the deep-rooted social stigma associated with widowhood. It aimed to change societal attitudes by recognizing the legitimacy of widow remarriage and asserting the rights and status of widows within the community. The Act contributed to the gradual transformation of societal perceptions surrounding widowhood and fostered discussions on women’s rights and gender equality.
  • Legalizing Widow Remarriage: The Act played a crucial role in legalizing the remarriage of Hindu widows. It gave widows the legal right to remarry, thereby providing them with opportunities for personal happiness, companionship, and social integration.


  1. Legalization of Widow Remarriage: The Act legalized the remarriage of Hindu widows under section 1. It declared that remarrying a Hindu widow would not be considered void or illegal.
  2. Rights to Inheritance: Section 2 of the Act discusses safeguarding widows’ property rights. It says that even after remarriage, a widow still has control over the property she inherited from her late spouse. This clause was intended to protect widows from being disinherited or losing their property rights due to remarriage.
  3. Custody of Children: Section 3 of the Act states that upon the remarriage of a Hindu widow, the courts would determine the custody of her children from her previous marriage. The section mentions explicitly that the court would have the power to award custody to the mother or any other person deemed suitable for the welfare of the children.
  4. Legal Protection: Under section 5, the Act provided legal protection to widows who chose to remarry.


Despite its progressive nature, the Act had limitations and faced criticism from certain sections of society. Some of the criticisms were:

  1. Limited Scope: The Act only applied to Hindu widows and did not address similar issues faced by widows from other religious communities.
  2. Social Resistance: The Act faced resistance from conservative sections of society who opposed widow remarriage on moral and cultural grounds. Many widows still faced social ostracism and opposition to their remarriage.
  3. Lack of Awareness and Implementation: In many regions, awareness about the Act was limited, and implementation was inadequate. Many widows remained unaware of their rights, and social practices continued to prevail over legal provisions.
  4. Inadequate Social Support: Critics argued that the Act did not provide sufficient social support mechanisms to facilitate the remarriage of widows. Economic factors, social stigma, and other barriers often prevented widows from exercising their rights under the Act.
  5. Religious and Cultural Opposition: The Act faced resistance from conservative sections of society who believed that widow remarriage went against established religious and cultural traditions. Traditionalists argued that widow remarriage was immoral and against marriage’s sanctity, as Hindu scriptures prescribed.


  1. Undertaking comprehensive research and data collection will help understand the challenges widows face in contemporary society. This information can help in the formulation of evidence-based policies and strategies to address their specific needs.
  2. Periodically review and update the legal framework to address emerging issues and concerns related to widow remarriage, property rights, child custody, and overall welfare.


The Hindu Widows’ Remarriage Act of 1856 is a crucial milestone in colonial India’s social reform history. It aimed to challenge the prevailing social norms and empower Hindu widows by legalizing their right to remarry and protecting their property rights. The Act emerged against the backdrop of a society deeply entrenched in customs that marginalized and stigmatized widows. It sought to dismantle these regressive practices and promote gender equality.

Despite these criticisms, the Act played a significant role in initiating a transformation in societal attitudes towards widowhood and paved the way for subsequent legal developments. It represents an important historical step towards dismantling discriminatory practices and promoting gender justice.

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