Joint Authorship under the Indian Copyright Law

Joint Authorship under the Indian Copyright Law: Explained

This article on ‘Joint Authorship under the Indian Copyright Law’ was written by Vishnu Vardhan, an intern at Legal Upanishad.


In the sphere of copyright law, the concept of joint authorship takes front stage, occurring when a group of individuals works to create a coherent and seamless creation. The Copyright Act of 1957 governs copyright issues within the scope of Indian legal statutes. The Copyright Act expressly stipulates that a work qualifies for joint authorship when it is the result of numerous authors’ coordinated efforts and mutual cooperation, with their contributions combining rather than separating.

This article delves into the prerequisites essential for the establishment of joint authorship, the legal implications it involves, and its interpretation, as exemplified through prominent legal precedents in India.

Doctrine of Joint Authorship

Section 2(z) of the Copyright Act provides a clear-cut definition of a joint authorship work, denoting it as an outcome derived from the collective endeavours of two or more authors, wherein each author’s contribution effortlessly merges with others. Hence, in cases where a copyrighted work is collaboratively created by a group of individuals, the copyright can be collectively owned by them.

Within the realm of copyright, joint ownership is established when multiple authors collaboratively generate a creative work with the explicit aim of integrating their individual contributions into interconnected and indivisible elements. The doctrine of joint authorship significantly influences the rights granted to authors and their relationships. This doctrine mandates the fair distribution of rights among co-authors.

Originating as a common law doctrine, its foundations were laid in the pivotal case of Maurel v. Smith. This doctrine has since been embraced and integrated into diverse legal systems globally.

The landmark case of Maurel v. Smith centred on the collaborative crafting of an opera, where three unique contributors played essential roles. Among them, one individual meticulously constructed the scenario, another skillfully shaped the libretto, and the third artfully composed the lyrics. These distinct creative inputs integrated harmoniously to materialize a collective artistic vision. In this regard, the Court’s examination produced the following notable finding:

“The pith of joint authorship consists in co-operation, in a common design, and whether this co-operation takes place subsequent to the formation of the design by the one and is varied in conformity with the suggestions and views of the other, it has equally the effect of creating the joint authorship as if the original design had been their joint conception.”

Fundamentally, the Court’s decision recognised that when many authors collaborate on a “shared work design,” they jointly embrace the responsibility of joint authors for the resulting work. Consequently, the rights arising from this collaborative creation are jointly owned by all contributors. It’s evident that the doctrine of joint authorship bestows copyright on each author involved. Nonetheless, this concept can create complex and intricate settings, perhaps leading to conflicts between the rights of joint authors on specific occasions.

Criteria for Joint Authorship

  • Joint authorship necessitates a collaborative effort where two or more individuals work together with a shared intention to create a singular work. This collective endeavour should be pursued in accordance with a common design or goal.
  • The contributions made by each author must be integral to the creation of the final work. Their individual inputs should be inseparable from the overall composition and combine to produce a unified outcome.
  • Joint authors must have a shared intention to collaborate and create a single work. Their goal should be to contribute to the joint work rather than pursue independent creations.
  • Each author’s contribution, though not necessarily equal in magnitude, should be substantial and meaningful, adding value to the final work.

Rights under Joint Authorship

  • Equal Ownership: Joint authors possess coequal ownership of the copyright for their collaborative work. Each author’s stake is indivisible, granting them equal authority to exploit, license, or manage the work.
  • Independent Utilization: Every joint author holds the privilege to independently utilize the work. This means they can employ, publish, circulate, and reap benefits from the work without necessitating consent from other joint authors.
  • Collective Decision-Making: While individual usage is permitted, substantial choices involving licensing, adaptation, or actions impacting the work’s integrity require unanimous agreement from all joint authors. This safeguards the work’s fundamental essence and purpose.
  • Profit Distribution: Profits yielded from the work’s utilization are usually divided among joint authors as mutually agreed. This allocation could be equal to or proportionate to their respective contributions, as determined by the authors themselves.
  • Moral Entitlements: Joint authors possess moral rights, encompassing the entitlement to be acknowledged as authors and the authority to prevent distortion, alteration, or demeaning treatment of the work that might compromise their reputation.
  • Liabilities and Duties: Joint authors might collectively share responsibilities linked to the work, including legal claims associated with infringement. Their collective responsibility lies in ensuring the work’s utilization adheres to copyright laws and respects the rights of all authors involved.
  • Continued co-ownership: If a joint author transfers rights to a third party, it does not impede the rights of other joint authors. The collaborative authorship remains intact, while the new entrant becomes a co-owner with proportional rights and obligations.


In summary, under Indian Copyright Law, joint authorship occurs when multiple creators collaborate to produce a single work. The criteria for joint authorship include shared intent, integrated contributions, substantial value, and collective decision-making. Joint authors have equal ownership, independent utilization rights, and shared responsibilities. Their moral rights are protected, and continued co-ownership ensures the integrity of the collaborative work. In essence, joint authorship in India safeguards the rights and interests of creators in collaborative endeavors.
