Copyright is one such intellectual property right that protects the works of a person. In ways like protection from re-production, protection from publication, and other ways. Copyright law is guided under Copyright Act, 1957, in India. There are some exceptions or defences against copyright infringement; as it may seem, to this law on the basis of the doctrine of ‘fair use. It is governed by some factors. We will be discussing this exception in this paper.
This article is written by Suchit Kohli, a 2nd-year student from NMIMS School of Law and an intern at Legal Upanishad. A Critique on Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) Act, 1999 Introduction A Critique on Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) Act, 1999 was passed by the Indian Parliament in December 1999. Under the IRDA
This article is written by Saransh Pandey, a 2nd year student from Chandigarh University and an intern at Legal Upanishad. Law relating to Judicial review in India Introduction: The art of judicial review plays an important role in the safeguarding of the rights of the people. People give up their rights and enter into a contract
“A study of the patent system in India in the light of the Patent Cooperation Treaty” This article on ‘patent system in India‘ is written by Shubham Agarwal. A 5th year law student from Sharda University, and an intern at Legal Upanishad. Introduction This article studies the Patent System in India. A Patent is a type of intellectual
“Presidential form of government: A Study of the USA System” This article on Trademark Registration is written by Gourav Kaushik. A 5th year law student from Ramaiah Institute of Legal Studies, and an intern at Legal Upanishad. Introduction In this article, we will try to study the various aspects of the Presidential form of government. When talking about
Registration of Trademarks and licensing: Limitations on transfer of Goodwill This article on Trademark Registration is written by Manish Kansra. A 3rd year law student from Himachal Pradesh University, and an intern at Legal Upanishad. Introduction We all are aware of the marks, visuals, symbols which we see on the articles which we buy from the market. Brands
This article on Cybersquatting is written by Ishita Garg. A 4th year student from Balaji Law College, and an intern at Legal Upanishad. Introduction Cybersquatting is the practice of registering, trafficking or selling the domain name with the intent of profiting from the goodwill of someone else’s trademark. Cyber squatters simply demand higher rates than the actual prices
This article will focus on what is a trademark, and trademark infringement remedies against trademark infringement and it will also discuss if civil remedies are effective. It can be anything and they get to decide how, where it can be used or who gets to use it and who can get profits from it. The creators to keep their intellectual property safe from misuse. Law plays a role in protecting it if it is made public. Legal protection is given by patent, copyright, or trademark. Under trademark things like business names, logos, slogans, etc. can be covered.
The article is going to focus on what the law provides to safeguard the registrability of well-known trademarks in India under the Trademark Act, 1999 along with cases.
Registration of the Shape Trademark in India This article is written by Saransh Pandey, a 2nd year student from Chandigarh University and an intern at Legal Upanishad. Introduction: It is a general saying that “A picture is worth a thousand words”. A picture creates a better impression on a human brain, If a picture or