“Copyright infringement” or rather “Copyright Inspiration “has always been a part of Indian Cinema for example, in addition to having made an everlasting impression on Indian cinema, Sholay also had a profound effect on Indian popular culture. Many other actors and actresses in Indian cinema have been inspired by its characters, especially the dynamic duo of Jai, Veeru, and Gabbar himself. All of the film’s memorable scenes and songs have become instant classics, and the movie itself has served as an inspiration for countless other characters. A number of westerns served as inspiration for Sholay, including Seven Samurai and the numerous spaghetti westerns that were all the rage in the late 1960s and early 1970s.’ This article deals with the legal framework, Lay Observer’s Test and its exceptions, fundamental case laws, and analysis.
With the rising popularity and heavy indulgence in online gaming by players and viewers alike across the globe fuelled by the lockdown-led online era, it becomes imperative to take note of and set out appropriate guidelines and regulations to place to govern and prevent malpractices in the esports arena. Owing to the lack of formal governance and legislation of esports in India, much of the practices and management remain a grey area and are evidently in need of urgent attention. Even with the States rolling out individual Acts and Bills in a bid to manage and regulate the field of online gaming and esports, several shortfalls still exist in the system. This article analyses the legal framework regulating the e-sports industry in India.
Restitution of Conjugal Rights is made up of the words “Restitution” and “Conjugal Rights,” respectively. Conjugal Rights refer to the rights pertaining to the union, the marriage, or the relationships between a husband and wife. Restitution is often defined as the restoration or restitution of anything that has been lost. Conjugal Rights are those (sexual) privileges and rights associated with marriage. Most of these rights and advantages are aspects of marriage that are implied. These fundamentally refer to the freedom to remain or coexist. Restitution of Conjugal Rights, as the term implies, refers to regaining the ability to cohabitate.
The National Green Tribunal(NGT) is a Quasi-Judicial Authority established under the National Green Act, 2010 by the Parliament of India. It’s a Special Tribunal established to entertain cases and disputes related to Environmental Law and to settle these cases speedily. It is a part of the Environment Law and is inspired by Part III, Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. Article 21 speaks about the Protection of Life and Personal Liberty which also includes within its ambit the Right to a Healthy Environment. After Australia and New Zealand, India is the Third Country to have such a separate Tribunal to deal with disputes related to Environment. It was established with keeping in mind Rio Conference, in 1992. It is also to be noted that the Delhi Pollution Control Committee(DPCC) is working under the National Green Act. It has replaced the National Environment Appellate Authority.
The article focuses on the position of gender equality in India by highlighting the laws formulated for gender equality and its position of it in the present scenario. In India, the existence of a patriarchal society has always rushed to a gender-biased position of men and women in society from eternity. Society always privileged men over women with unequal opportunities for them. The men were given the status of the head of a family and women as the nurturer of it. Comparatively, there were more restrictions on women than on men.
The article will be emphasizing the origin of the theory of separation of powers and analysis of its position in India and its practical application. Lastly, it will include a critical analysis of the theory followed by the conclusion.
This article discusses the aftermath of the overruling of the landmark judgment of Roe v. Wade, which granted American women the constitutional right to abortion as a part of the right to privacy and liberty. The long-standing rule of Roe was further upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States in the Casey Case, thus keeping the states’ abortion-banning laws at bay. With these cases being recently set aside by the Apex Court of the US, access to abortion now vests in the hands of state legislatures. Such a move brings great threat to women in certain states where the laws are either ambiguous or provide women with no relief, as is observed in states where courts have blocked abortion-banning laws on account of the controversies brewing.
This idea is contained in the Anti-Superstition Bill of India, however, it has not yet been passed into law. Even after a number of strange events, including the Burari case in the nation’s capital of Delhi, there is no nationwide regulation in India. A few states, including Maharashtra and Karnataka, have laws that make it illegal to use black magic and that punish those who do.
TRIPS is a convention at the International Level to deal with all of the Rights associated with Intellectual Property. Intellectual Property is that form of property that cannot be Seen or Touched, but can be Felt(Intangible), but can be felt as opposed to that form of property that can be seen, felt, and touched(Tangible). The Rights associated with Intellectual Property are known as Intellectual Property Rights. The Rights associated can vary depending upon the type of Intellectual Property but the common ones are Assigning, Transferring, Licensing, etc.
Each educator aspires to be doing his or her best and get the highest possible grade. Even so, this isn’t an easy process and, in most instances, is not attainable without the guidance and assistance of a knowledgeable and experienced tutor. This article focuses on the procedure for registration of coaching institutes, etc.