The global market for alcohol continues to be on the rise with an increasing demand noticed each year. Taking into account the downsides associated with the harmful use of alcohol in terms of health and social well-being, it is essential to have requisite regulations in place. In view of the same, this article provides an overview of the alcohol laws pertaining to consumption in India with special reference to the effects of alcohol prohibition in the nation. Considering the debilitating effects of alcohol upon the human body and to improve public health, certain states in India have opted for an absolute prohibition on the sale and consumption of alcohol. However, the consequences of the same have drawn huge criticism on account of poor implementation of the alcohol laws and legislative error.
A domain name may be registered as a trademark if it is distinctive, can be used to differentiate the products or services in question from those of others, and can be trusted to identify the source of the goods or services online.
It is undeniable that advertisements have an impact on consumer rights, and as a result, promotions should be reasonable and true. False and misleading notices are not only unreliable, but they also distort competition and, naturally, consumer decisions. In this article, we will understand the term false and misleading advertisement. We look into the laws which right the customers against such misleading advertisements we also analyse the laws and look into the aspects which could be adopted in future legislation and the end concludes our article with a short and crisp conclusion.
This article deals with the concept of a misrepresentation given under the Indian Contract Act, 1872. It talks about what types of misrepresentation are provided under the Act and how exactly an agreement is affected if the situation in a case pertains to the presence of such an element. In simple terms, misrepresentation in the legal sense means a statement made by a person while making an agreement that is believed and acted upon by the other. One important quality of such a statement is that it is in actuality untrue but the person making it does not possess the knowledge regarding its false nature.
All facets of human existence necessitate the use of electricity. It is a requirement for human survival. It’s a vital piece of infrastructure for the country’s economy and social progress. The growth of India as a whole depends on the rural areas receiving reliable energy services at affordable prices. Indian business needs access to cheap, reliable power if it is to compete on the global stage and realise their enormous employment potential. The expansion of our economy can be directly attributed to the services sector. Sustained expansion in this sector depends heavily on the reliability of the electrical supply.
Our Government has 3 organs: the Legislature, the Executive, and the Judiciary. The Legislature makes the laws, the executive implements the laws and the Judiciary interprets the laws to check those laws are not against our constitutional provisions and are not disturbing the rights of the citizens. Due to various reasons, the Judiciary has to make rulings proactively. This article covers the topic of judicial activism, its meaning, history, and methods, and also covers other aspects relating to Judicial activism.
This article has primarily focused on the rights available to prisoners by virtue of the Constitution and furthermore the development of legal jurisprudence with respect to the same. A comparative study has been drawn with the US, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden in terms of the rights of prisoners. Much can be drawn from the reformative correctional service provided in these countries.
For instance, it is forbidden for a producer of carbonated beverages to use a name that sounds similar to Coke. In this article, we will analyse the concept of trademark infringement in light of a recent Starbucks case.
Plastic waste is not biodegradable, unlike other types of waste like paper, food peels, leaves, etc., which can be broken down by bacteria or other living things. As a result, it lingers in the environment for hundreds (or perhaps thousands) of years. The proliferation of plastic debris in the environment is the main cause of plastic pollution. It can be separated into primary plastics, such as bottle caps and buds of cigarettes, and secondary plastics, which are created as primary plastics deteriorate. It was formerly believed that one of humanity’s greatest discoveries was the polymer known as plastic.
Individuals had been killed even before history began being recorded so that we could see. Today, killing another individual is one of the gravest offenses. The wrongdoing is Known as a homicide. Culpable homicide and murder are two terms ordinarily used to characterize this wrongdoing. The distinctions between these two terms are little yet essential to the general set of laws while apportioning equity to the casualties of these grave violations. Culpable homicide can likewise be a legitimate crime.